Saturday, October 28, 2017


Fender Made In Japan Stratocaster, sporting Seymour Duncan Pickups and custom wiring

I got this Stratocaster at a pawn shop in Jacksonville Florida around 1997. The purchase included the original Fender rectangular hardshell case.

The original MIJ Fender pickups sounded awful, no highs and no lows, just mush. They were replaced with a custom configuration of Seymour Duncan pickups in 2006.

2017 Rework, new pick guard, new pickups, new switch and new potentiometers
This Fender MIJ Stratocaster has a wide neck that feels and plays great. The frets are medium/jumbo so it's great for blues. The Wilkenson tremolo system was actually a Gotoh product.
Seymour Duncan Pickups, Paper in Oil Emerson tone capacitor, Seymour Duncan Speed YJM Pots, Music Lily Pick single layer pick guard